
Pro-Abundant Life

Why We Must Be Pro-Abundant Life

“It is not just about saving a baby. It is also about raising a child.” —Roland C. Warren, President and CEO, Care Net

We all know what it means to be pro-life, and Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers certainly know how important it is to save the lives of precious unborn babies — we’ve saved over 677,000 in the last ten years. But in God’s design there is more to the story. We are not called to only be pro-life, but to be pro abundant life. In John 10:10, Christ says,” The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

So, what does it mean to be pro abundant life? Pro-life is scoring a touchdown — it’s good and we should celebrate it. But how do we win the whole game?

Why We Must Be Pro Abundant Life by Roland C. Warren, president and CEO of Care Net, lays out Care Net’s vision for how “pro-life ministry” must be done, consistent with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s design for marriage and family.

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